Thursday, April 21, 2011


So we got into Prague Tuesday morning at around 9:30. We ended up hoping on a train at 4:15 AM from Berlin so we would be able to get in earlier to Prague. Our hotel was called Breniza Pension and it was a total eastern European hotel – incredibly small, no air conditioning, makeshift elevator, etc… But what else can you expect for such a great deal we got for it! We were about a 20 minute walk from Old Town Square, which is basically the center of their city. It has a huge church and an astronomical clock created hundreds and hundreds of years ago. The clock can tell the current time, as well as when the sun will rise and set. Every hour a guy at the top of the church will play a little tune, it’s really cool and peaceful.

We were able to meet up with Nick and he showed us pretty much all of Prague. The first thing we did was check out the Jewish Quarter. This is where they stuck all the Jews and forced them to live (seems like a typical trend in Europe). Everything was closed though in the quarter for Passover, so we just walked around. Next, we crossed the famous Charles Bridge. It’s really similar to La Rambla in Barcelona. There are a ton shops in tents and artists on the bridge. Once we crossed the bridge, we went and checked out Nick’s school and the John Lennon wall. The Lennon wall was a pretty big let down; I was expecting much more. It is supposed to be a wall dedicated to Lennon for his musical work against communism. However, people have really butchered the wall because you are able to spray paint whatever you want on there. Dave decided to lean up against the wall and ended up with some nice fresh yellow paint on his back. After the Lennon wall , we went to the Castle, which overlooks all of Prague and is home of St. Georges Basilica. It was a beautiful view and the walk to get there was just as beautiful. We walked through a bunch of gardens and parks to get there.

The weather was insanely nice, we got there at the perfect time! Yesterday, we rented a paddle boat and cruised around a good portion of Prague. It was a great time and probably the highlight of the trip – it was so relaxing and fun.

Our next stop is Krakow, Poland. We are going to be meeting our friend Krys, who is from Warsaw. It should be a lot of fun considering he speaks the language and knows the city. We plan on going to Auschwitz and checking out some of the Cultural Heritage Sites that are in Krakow.

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